The Best Way to Collaborate

All your team communication in one place.

Why You Need Ryver

Using multiple apps plus email to communicate with your team is difficult, complex, and expensive.

Ryver™ makes managing your team’s collaboration easy, simple, and affordable by organizing it all in one app.

Organize Your Team Collaboration

Group Messaging
Chat with your team anytime.

  • Unlimited Chat & Topics
  • Unlimited File Sharing
  • Unlimited Conversation Searching

Task Management
Turn conversations into action.

  • Unlimited Tasks
  • Unlimited Team & Personal Task Boards
  • Specify detail in Tasks with Checklists, Tags, & Assignments

Voice & Video Calls
Talk with any teammate in Ryver.

  • Unlimited Calls
  • Crisp, clear audio and video (including screen sharing)
  • Join any call in 1 click

Watch Ryver in Action

2-Minute Ryver Demo

Ryver Case Study

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See a Ryver Case Study

Access Ryver on any device

Integrate with your other tools

“We are a high-tech company with hundreds of people scattered around the globe. For the first time since starting the company, I feel like we’re actually communicating and information is all in one place. This has created less meetings, reduced internal email by over 75%, and most importantly people feel up-to-date company-wide. I can’t recommend Ryver enough.”


“Ryver has quickly replaced Slack and has gone on to become the most popular tool for communicating at Efficio, with over 300 users and counting. Its simple task management and reliable teleconferencing facilities have made it indispensable. New features keep on coming, and their support team are exceptionally responsive.”


“In 2016, Dignity Health launched a strategic initiative to transform the patient and provider experience. The effort involved over 200 staff across 5 states plus 100 external team members from 9 vendors and partners. Ryver had a profoundly positive impact on our ability to communicate and collaborate while eliminating email-jail. Ryver enabled transparent and horizontal information flow. As the accountable executive, I would not have had as clear visibility into our activities without Ryver nor would I have been able to support my team as effectively.”


“Thanks to the Ryver team for their top class service, training and continued support. Ryver is the best communications plus task management application I have personally used. Highly recommended!”


Perfect for Teamwork

“Keeps communications and projects organized. “

Katrina M.

Ryver was a good help in organizing communications

“Ryver has this alternative name for groups called “Teams”. I was involved in organizing the college cultural fest so that name suited us. We had all these different teams for different events that were to be held so each team had their own group on the same app. We could post topics that were pushed up to the top as latest discussion. If previous posts were important we could “promote” them to…”

Nikhil H.
MTS at NetApp

Excellent team collaboration platform

“Ryver is a superb platform for teams to communicate and work together, with simple but efficient file sharing tools. The feature that I liked best from ryver is that it is a really helpful messaging and information exchanging platform for free. Normally a free program isn’t as complete as ryver, but this program, with its straightforward design and features can really assist a team to develop…”

Eduardo M.

Aluno na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Straightforward chat and task app

“I’ve used Slack and Hipchat in other environments, but really like using Ryver. It’s very easy to use and has everything our team needs. The recent addition of a task app is seamless.”

Joel A.

CEO, Co-founder at PressFriendly

Used in our Church Office, immediately made a huge difference

“Ease of use & the ability to communicate in a team environment in a direct way, without a mountain of emails”

Peter W.


Ryver Unlimited


Unlimited Users

Unlimited Chat

Unlimited Tasks

Unlimited Teams

Unlimited File Sharing

Unlimited Storage

 Unlimited Voice & Video Calls

 Unlimited Screen Sharing

Unlimited Webhook Integrations

 Personal & Team Task Boards

Enhanced Data Security

Threaded-Topic Chat